Your questions answered here on shipping, customization, care of products, and so much more.
Q: Do you offer free shipping?
A: Yes, we offer free shipping on orders over $50USD or $65CAD, to most locations within Canada and all the lower 48 states in the US.
Q: What are your shipping rates for non-free shipping?
A: It depends on the destination and the weight. Shipping costs are calculated on our checkout page, before you pay, so you can get a price before you commit to spending your money.
Q: Do you ship outside of Canada and the US?
A: Yes. We can ship to most known locations on the planet. No deliveries to outer space just yet. Shipping is expensive these days and we'd like to make it as affordable for you (and us!) as possible, so for orders outside of Canada and the US we always select the cheapest method which means it can take time to get to you.
Q: What are the customs/duties/taxes charges?
A: We normally ship from Canada. We don't charge taxes on items we ship. Normally, the US will not charge customs or duties on our products. If you have very large orders of perhaps more than 100 pieces you might be charged customs or duties, but probably not.
Q: Can I get your products customized? For example, can I have my initials put on the front of a Notebook?
A: Yes. Let us know on the "Contact" page just what you have in mind and we'll get back to you.
Q: Can you make me a custom product?
A: Most likely, yes, we can make your custom product. We have made some lovely and unique pieces on request (see the Gallery page for a few samples). And we are constantly adding to what we make, so check back soon. In the meantime, send us your request via the "Contact" page and we'll get back to you.
Q: Are there any special care instructions? Do I need to use any special products on wood items?
A: No special care is needed for anything left indoors at normal temperatures and humidity. You can wipe any of our hardwood (or slate or painted mdf) items with a damp cloth to remove dust. However, wood can darken or even fade slightly over time, especially if it is exposed to sunlight. If you have unpainted wood items (i.e. most of our wood products) near a south, east, or west facing window over a period of years they could be affected. Just keep them away from direct sunlight and they will retain their beauty for decades.
Q: Got any more questions?
A: We'll answer them here.